The Believer should pray this prayer to repent of their sins and bring healing to their land.
Father in the name of Jesus, I come before you humbly, yet boldly before your throne of Mercy.
I present myself to you in total repentance for my sins of omission towards advancing the Kingdom of Heaven here on the earth.
I confess that I have grown weary, and that I did not seek your plan and your will for my life and for your people. That I have deserted my post as a watchman in the Spirit, and have fallen out of alignment with your Holy Spirit. That I have turned to my own ways and understanding. That I have not been a light nor a beacon to lost souls. That I have fallen into the traps of the enemy which derailed and distracted me from my true purpose. That I have allowed the enemy to blind me from your truth. That I have not put on the whole armor of God and stood against the wiles of the enemy. That I have not been dwelling in the Secret Place with You Oh Most High God, and that I have not been fighting on the battlefield with my brothers and sisters in your army.
I acknowledge, that in so doing, I have allowed the enemy to set up camps, claim territories, and gain ground over my life and upon the earth. And the peoples of the earth are in darkness, fear, and confusion, and no longer look to you for Hope, Love, Light, Life, and Truth.
Father, as declared in your word in 2nd Chronicles 7:14, I humbly confess these sins to you and I repent of them. And I ask for your forgiveness and your mercy. May you help me to turn from my wicked ways, and turn back to you. And in so doing, I beg of you Father to hear from Heaven and forgive me of my sins, and I beg of you to undo what the enemy has done over (Name of Country(s)), and that you will indeed bring healing and deliverance to this land.
May You forever reign on High in majesty and in power, and may Your glory be visible upon the earth in my life. Father please now re-assign me to my post and re-align me with your Holy Spirit.
I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen
Submitted by:Â Pastor, Dr. Dione Nancolas, PHD – CEO/Founder Spirit of Esther Ministries